
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Born Friend of Jinnat, Allama Lahuti Pur Asaraari

Ubqari Magazine - Ubqari Magazine January 2019

The methods to make gold and Jinnat: You must have heard an old story about a person who was keen to make a Jin his subordinate, far away in Jungle there was a baba ji, he went to this baba ji, touched his feet and requested that kindly give me some act to get a Jin under my control, he initially refused but upon his insistence and pleading, he made him perform an act in his own presence, this act involved a lot of hard work but actually a Jin came under his control, now when the Jin came under his control then whatever service he asked for, the Jin use to provide instantly and in a moment, he use to ask for pearls, jewels, out of season fruits, food and everything of his liking, he lead few days in lot of happenings, and was pleased that, from what lows to what heights I have reached but, only after few days all of his desires and needs were fulfilled, but now the Jin had become a slave and when he would be idol he would start naughty acts in the house, would give loss, even would mess with wife and children, sometimes would affect the routine of the house, he use to cry to teach him respect but, Jin was beyond this and he had planned to teach him his respect instead, now he was tired and went back to the same baba ji, but now there was neither the hut of baba ji nor baba ji himself. He came to know that baba ji had died some time back. He wept near the hut of the baba ji, sobbed 

and called for baba ji, some time he would call the spirit of baba ji but returning back of baba ji and his spirit was not possible, now the Jin would continuously demand for some new service, many times it came to his heart that he should give the permission to Jin to go away and he should release him, but when the baba ji had told him about the chillah/act to get control over the Jin, he had also said that if you will release the Jin, he will take revenge from you and from your generations and will take such revenge that you will remember it always, he will make you extremely worrisome. But now he was stuck in this problem which was worrisome, finally the person himself died in this worry rather it was known that once a Jin himself strangled him and killed him.

If you are thinking of getting control over a Jin then my advice is never do it, wherever there is an advice of some act, any Jalmantar, shut your eyes from it, quietly leave it and put your hard work in some blessed act which will make both the worlds of you better and more better. Once a person came to me who did not have a bit of flour or salt in his house, he was a person whose father and grandfather had so much of property and lands that they use to say that if there is a strong horse and he keeps on running the whole day on our land, still it will be unable to cross it, but now the situation is such that everything is lost, everything has ended, has finished. Two things lead to this downfall. One, the formula to make gold and another keen interest to get control over a Jin. Despite having the property of my father, I developed a keen interest and passion to get control over some Jin or from somewhere to get a formula to make gold, every person whom I came across with, would claim to have the prescription and formula of making gold, some would say that I have made 30 mounds of gold till now, some would say 5 Kgs, someone 1 Kg, some would say that my guru and teacher has commanded me to bury all the gold which I had made till now, so I have buried it in the ground. All sorts of stories, all sorts of frauds and all sorts of lies, my life was spent in all of this and the money and wealth which I had was all gone in attempts to make gold, when I failed, someone advised me that you get a Jin under your control, you have lost everything while trying to make gold but in this no money of yours will be spent, and you just get control over a Jin and by this you will get back all the money which you have lost and whatever you will want, will be done. You will have fruits without season, you will wear expensive clothes as you will desire, if you will desire you will get gold from the gold mines, if you will tell him to take out the gold and bring it to use. If you would tell him, he will bring diamonds from the diamond mines, pearls, emeralds, rubies etc. you will get whatever you will desire. This person also told him for his satisfaction that it is not necessary that you put your Jin in stealing and the Jin should bring gold, diamonds or special pearls from some jewelry shops but, actually what will happen is that, the Jin will bring it from the mines which belong to nature and the earth belongs to Allah SWT and whatever is in earth, it is for everyone, so Jin will bring it from the mines. To strengthen my faith, he showed me another strange way and it was that there are many ruins where there use to be palaces, where there were kings and their great empires, were Sultans and all this glory ended with time and all these things perished, you only order the Jin to roam about and find the treasures from place to place, these treasures buried since hundred and thousands of years would be recovered by the Jinnat with their powers and abilities and you will be the owner of it, by mistake you got involved in the profession of making gold and this is such a profession in which all the money, time is spent and one has to plead with the people and if the people know the formula, they keep it secret and mostly people do not have any formula as if they had it, they themselves would have make gold instead of telling you about it? You have committed a big mistake that you have spent all the wealth of your father 

in it, so much so that you have even wasted the gold which you had with you.

One Jin will be under your control and this Jin will fulfill every desire and wish of yours, whatever you will ask for, you will get. I was listening to his talk with amazement and was just looking towards him and was feeling truth in his talk and I felt that I did not come across another sincere person in this world, I was staring right into his eyes and was hearing his sincere talk, his arguments and his talk was so lovely and the angle of truth was such that I became more and more attached to him, he did not ask me for anything, nor money nor things, did not want anything, I went on accepting everything of his, he gave me a chillah of 121 days and said that when you will do this chillah, right on 41st day, you will feel a shadow, but, do not pay attention upon it and focus your full attention upon your act, after 51st day, again you will feel that shadow and you will feel, it has some body also, meaning eyes, head, hands and feet etc. and then right upon 61st days, you will feel that, this shadow is moving around you and its appearance will be a bit more clear and will be horrible looking too, but, do not get scared or panic, upon 71st day, the shadow will take a full shape and will come and sit in front of you, he will not talk, will be quiet, still it is of no use to you and you will not leave your act, on 81st day, the shadow will bring a bouquet of flowers for you but do not make a mistake and do not take this bouquet, if you take it then you will have only this and this is not what you desire and he will give you the bouquet and will go away. On 91st day, he will bring a green colour cloth sheet for you and he will try to put it upon to you, do not look towards him nor spread your arms, neither give attention rather, with your head down, just carry your act. Right after 101st day, shadow will freeze and will sit in front of you and then he will not go away ever, so much so that you carry on your act and it will start talking to you, you just listen to him and he will tell you a lot of interesting things but, you just have to go on listening to this interesting talk but you should not reply to him. If you give a reply then this will be your only conversation and then he will never come under your control afterwards. Right upon 121st day, this shadow which will now be a full body and will be your slave and will be under your control, who tried a lot and adopted every way, sometimes by giving flowers, sometimes by putting a sheet, sometimes by talking, sometimes fear, sometimes interest, sometimes interesting things, sometimes interest, sometimes attractive things, sometimes amazing things, but you will not get trapped in any of his tricks nor be impressed by anything nor will give attention towards anything, just go on carrying yourself, quietly with your act and your act will affect him, you should not get affected. After 121 

days pass by, you will get a true being and you will not remain slave of governments and kings rather governments and kings will be your slave. Country, wealth, power, money, whatever you will desire, the same will happen. Armies will be under your control, you will have various fruits, will have health and any prescription required for treatment and health, all such secrets whichever you will want, you will get it. Only! Give proof of your wisdom, never shake hand with the Jin as like this, the Jin can take away your act. Now! All your life, he is your and you are his Ruler, my friend said another thing also, yes, remember, never to free him, he will do a lot of buttering and sweet talk with you, will make lot of promises but never give any attention upon his promises. Just! Always listen to what I tell you, if you agree to even one thing of his, then I will not be responsible for anything of yours. Then what, I went crazy, my days and nights were spent in calling of this Jin and he made me do the act, after 41 days I did not feel the thing which he had said, when I asked him, he said there are some shortcomings in doing of your act but there is no harm, as this shortcoming will be overcome in 51 days. After 51 days, I felt something but did not get the thing which he had promised, even though he had promised not to take anything from me and I did not give him anything but with various excuses he took a lot of money and things from me and now I was empty handed, there was only one house which I had inherited from my father and which I had given on rent. With this rent day to day expenses of my household were managed, I sold it and gave him the proceeds. 71 days also passed by, but the promise was not fulfilled, I had a feeling that there is something, a Jin, spirit or an evil spirit which is around me but I could not get its actual and true being, I was disillusioned but, every time his consolation, and the greed of getting the wealth, power and promises of getting government would lead me to the same condition, I would get worried on my condition but like this 101 days also passed by. When I did not get the being still, I got totally disillusioned and a fear came into my heart that the way the fraud was done with me regarding producing of gold, the same might happen again, but he himself said that now only few days are left, so carry on the hard work, anyways, upon promise of only few more days, again I got engaged in my act, right after 121 days when I went to his house which was in the surroundings of my house but in another neighbourhood and knocked the door, a kid came out, the person was the grandfather of this kid, I asked the kid and he told me that the person had gone to another city and will come back in few days, I was surprised as it was a promise that he will make me meet the Jin after 121 days and our contract will be done properly with the swearing upon King of Jinnat and Hazrat Salman A.S and it will be fulfilled, but he So disappeared as if heavens picked him up or the earth swallowed him, now I realized that a bigger fraud than the method to make gold fraud, has been done with me. Now I would go to his house day and night, sometimes use to get a message from the lady, sometimes from the child, sometimes neither the lady nor the child and use to knock the door for hours, use to sit in the street, neither he met me nor his being, I did not get any benefit rather even my house went away, money gone and the rent of the house with which my kitchen use to run also stopped, I was already under debt but now the debt had further increased and I became poor too, and poverty increased to an extreme level. Even if the state of affairs was upto this point, it might have been tolerable but, the things got worse than this and actually the Jin whom I wanted to control, did not came under my control, I had made him attentive with my act but not to the full extent. Now another trouble started for me, and this trouble was problems, worries, difficulties, sorrows and evil doings started by this Jin, the cruelty which happened with me was that a big, black and dirty Jin whom I wanted to control, with all my act, was such a dirty, filthy and evil satanic Jin which even ruined the honour of my family and ruined their honour also, it was so filthy and satanic that he use to tease me day and night, at times in my appearance, and at times in form of some other man he use to do filthy things with my wife and this happening is not of today rather it has been for years and years and he has made me worried. I did not left out any Aamil (spiritual practitioner) and like putting fuel over fire, the Aamil also took more money from me, I was already with very few means and he further ended my limited means, my heart was empty, body was empty, bowl for begging also empty, house empty and stomach also empty. Now there is a desire and worry that how to get rid of this Jin, I made the Jin attentive but now cannot get rid of him and I am going into more and more problems everyday (continued)

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